For FORCE Subwoofer sales contact Sound Solutions in Houston TX @ 832-724-1956
The FORCE SX Mega Series was designed for the highest levels of competition with SPL only possible on mega subwoofer designs as seen with the FORCE15SX. Here is a breakdown of the key features and benefits of the FORCE15SX - 15" 6000 Watt RMS Cast Basket Mega Subwoofer.
Quality Components: TORO emphasizes the careful selection of high-quality components, from Tinsel Leads to Cast Aluminum Baskets to 8 Gauge Wire to Triple Stacked Strontium Ferrite Magnets. This indicates a commitment to crafting a premium subwoofer.
Deep and Loud Performance: With a power handling of 6000 Watts RMS and 12,000 Watts for frequency burping the TORO FORCE SX Subwoofers can go "Deeper & play Louder" compared to the competition regardless of the price point. They are truly the crème de la crème of subwoofers.
Dual Voice Coils: The Dual Voice Coil configuration provides flexibility in system design, allowing users to configure their audio setup according to their preferences while providing high power handling.
Overall Design Balance: TORO's goal is to strike a balance between playing loud, playing deep, and maintaining composure. This means that TORO FORCE SX Series subwoofers are engineered to deliver both impressive volume and quality audio performance.
Overall, the TORO Force SX Subwoofer series is the top-tier choice for those seeking high-performance, reliable, and balanced subwoofers for their audio systems.